Belted Kingfisher

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Holly Ranville

Nice one Gail!

Dave McLean

Very nice capture. I like it a lot! I saw my first one of these this summer in a crowded park in downtown Sault Ste. Marie. He was catching minnows in the duck pond and eating them in a tree next to the pond. I got several not-too-bad pictures of him.

Kingfishers are probably the most skittish birds in Canada! Was driving to the cottage one summer day and noticed him coming and going to this same branch. I returned the next day in the dark and set up my camo blind and waited....2 hours later he showed up and I was able to get lots of wonderful images.
Taken By
Taken On
August 2, 2013
kingfisher bird nova scotia
  • Focal: 840
  • Shutter speed: 0.00125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8
  • ISO: 800

Other Photos by Gail_Bisson